Personal Information Protection Policy

At, we strive to provide exceptional service to our customers. Since the provision of this service involves the collection, use and disclosure of some personal information about our customers, the protection of their personal information is one of our highest priorities.

While we have always respected our customers' privacy and protected their personal information.

We will inform our customers about why and how we collect, use and disclose their personal information, obtain their consent when necessary, and process their personal information only in a manner that a reasonable person deems appropriate in the circumstances.

Our commitment to privacy includes ensuring the accuracy, confidentiality and security of our customers' personal information, as well as enabling our customers to request access to their personal information and its correction.


Personal information – means information about an identifiable individual.

Business contact Information – means information that would allow you to contact an individual at the place of work and includes a name, job title or position, work phone number, work address, work email address or business fax number. Contact information is not subject to this policy.

Policy 1 – Collection Of Personal Information

  1. If the purposes of collecting personal information are not obvious and the client does not voluntarily provide his personal information for these purposes, we will inform about the purposes for which personal information is collected, orally or in writing, before or during collection.
  2. We will collect only the customer information that is necessary: name, home address, home phone number, email address; to fulfill some or all of the following purposes:
    • To verify identity at the point of sale;
    • To process the leaflet/and/or email subscription;
    • To check the creditworthiness;
    • To determine customer preferences;
    • To open and manage an account;
    • To provide the requested products and services;
    • To send information about membership in the association;
    • To ensure a high level of service to our customers;
    • To comply with regulatory requirements;

Policy 2 – Consent

  1. We will obtain the client's consent to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information (except in cases where, as indicated below, we are authorized to do so without consent).
  2. Consent may be provided orally, in writing, electronically, through an authorized representative, or may be implied when the purpose of collecting, using or disclosing personal information is considered obvious, and the client voluntarily provides personal information for this purpose.
  3. Consent may also be implied when the client is given notice and a reasonable opportunity to refuse to use his or her personal information for mailing or marketing new services, and the client does not refuse.
  4. With some exceptions (for example, personal information is necessary to provide a service or product, or withdrawal of consent may interfere with the fulfillment of legal obligations), customers may refuse or withdraw their consent to the use of of their personal information in a certain way. A customer's decision to refuse or withdraw their consent to certain uses of personal information may limit our ability to provide a certain service or product. If so, we will explain the situation to help the client in making a decision.
  5. We may collect, use or disclose personal information without the customer's knowledge or consent in the following limited circumstances:
    • When the collection, use or disclosure of personal information is permitted or required by law;
    • When we need legal advice from a lawyer;
    • For the purpose of debt collection;
    • To protect yourself from fraud;
    • To investigate an alleged breach of agreement or violation of the law;

Policy 3 – Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

  1. We will use or disclose the client's personal information only in cases where it is necessary to achieve the purposes defined at the time of collection:
    • To conduct customer surveys in order to improve the provision of our services;
    • To distribute monthly flyers and promotional materials by e-mail;
    • To contact our customers directly about products and services that may be of interest;
  2. We will not use or disclose the client's personal information for any additional purposes unless we obtain consent to do so.
  3. We will not sell customer lists or personal information to others [unless we have consent to do so].

Policy 4 – Preservation Of Personal Information

  1. If we use the client's personal information to make a decision that directly affects the client, we will retain this personal information for at least one year so that the client has a reasonable opportunity to request access to it.
  2. In accordance with Policy 4.1, we will store the client's personal information only as long as it is necessary to achieve certain goals or legal or business goals.

Policy 5 – Ensuring the accuracy of Personal Information

  1. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the client's personal information in cases where it can be used to make a decision about the client or disclosed to another organization.
  2. Customers can request correction of their personal information to ensure its accuracy and completeness. The request for correction of personal information must be made in writing and contain sufficient detailed information to identify the personal information and the requested correction. A request for correction of personal information should be sent to the email address
  3. If it is proven that the personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, we will correct the information in accordance with the requirements and send the corrected information to any organization to which we disclosed personal information in the previous year. If the correction is not made, we will mark the customer request in the file.

Policy 6 – Protection of Personal Information

  1. We strive to ensure the security of the client's personal information in order to protect it from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification or deletion or similar risks.
  2. To ensure proper protection of the client's personal information, the following security measures will be observed:
    • Use of locked cabinets for storing documents;
    • Physical protection of offices where personal information is stored;
    • Use of user IDs, passwords, encryption, firewalls;
    • Restriction of employees' access to personal information as necessary (i.e. only those who need access will have access know);
    • The contract requires that any service providers provide comparable security measures.
  3. We will use appropriate security measures when destroying the client's personal information, such as (Including: The Service of destroying verified documents and deleting information stored electronically).
  4. We will continually review and update our security policies and controls as technology changes to ensure the continued security of personal information.

Policy 7 – Providing Customers with Access to Personal Information

  1. Customers have the right to access their personal information.
  2. The request for access to personal information must be made in writing and contain sufficient information to identify the requested personal information. A request for access to personal information should be sent to E-mail:
  3. Upon request, we will also inform customers how we use their personal information and to whom it has been disclosed, if applicable.
  4. We will provide the requested information within 30 business days or provide a written extension notice if additional time is required to fulfill the request.
  5. No fee is charged.
  6. If the request is rejected in whole or in part, we will notify the client in writing, indicating the reasons for the refusal and the remedies available to the client.

Policy 8 – Questions and Complaints

  1. Customers should send any complaints, problems or questions regarding compliance with the requirements of in writing.

Contact Information:

300-340 MIDPARK WAY SE, Calgary, AB, T2X1P1